Careers in the Humanitarian Sector
Karin Wachter is the Director of the Office of Refugee Health at the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) and Associate Professor at Arizona State University School of Social Work (SSW) and Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions. Dr. Wachter’s research examines the forced migration experiences of women to inform psychosocial interventions for women, their families, and their communities. Her work abroad as a humanitarian aid provider focused on violence against women and girls in war and displacement, primarily in African contexts. Dr. Wachter is also an evaluator and researcher for U.S. based refugee resettlement agencies. Her research is published in a number of journal articles and technical reports, including Current Psychology, Violence Against Women, and Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
Please join us for a conversation on careers in humanitarian organizations and broader work and research related to refugees and migration. Dr. Wachter will also address how gender has shaped both her work and career.
A Gender and Security Program (funded by the Keck Center).