International Journalism Fellowship

Thanks to a generous gift from Robert Y.C. Ho ’81, the Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies at Claremont McKenna College launched an International Journalism Lab in the fall of 2015. The Asia Experts Forum is the web publication of the lab.

The Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies is accepting applications for its International Journalism Lab for 2024-2025. The Lab will recruit 4 international journalism fellows who will take a required spring course (Gov. 141) in international journalism with Prof. Jones and contribute to the online journal called World Affairs-Asia Experts Forum (, that focuses on the politics, economics, and culture of Asia, Europe and beyond. With guidance from Prof. Appel, fellows will conduct interviews with leading policy analysts, experts, and academics and publish edited transcripts of the interviews on the Forum website ( Each fellow will receive a stipend of $2,000 for their full-year participation in the fellowship program. The program is open to students majoring at CMC who plan to be on campus for the full 2024-2025 academic year. Applicants for this fellowship should send in one .pdf file: a resume, name of two faculty members who can serve as references, an unofficial transcript and a brief statement explaining their interest in this program to the

Apply by September 11 by sending your resume, unofficial transcript, and letter of interest (in one .pdf file) to!